Age: 3 to 7 years old
Pages: 16
Finish: rustic easel,
couche paper 150g
Author: Anne Señol
Illustrator: Adián González
The scorpion is a rare animal, with more eyes than a badly peeled pineapple but half-blind, prone to poisoning and making a meal out of its prey. In other words, small but a bully to devour others, although if he feels like it, he stops eating for months at a time.
If the scorpion were not named like that, we could call him Methuselah.
The stream of millions of years that has been left on the face of the earth without much change supports this naïve proposal.
It is a surprising Zoorprendente, this scorpion cran-cran.
The scorpion is a strange creature: despite multiple pairs of eyes, he can’t see worth a darn, and his punch-packing venom makes mush of unsuspecting victims at the drop of a hat. In other words, he’s a force to be reckoned with regardless of his size.
Did you know he can also go months without eating if he so chooses? “Methuselah” is a nickname that suits him well. Millions of years have passed since he first crawled over the Earth’s surface, and he has barely changed in all this time.
A most unusual fellow indeed, our little scorpion!