From our school collection, for boys and girls in the fifth grade.
Age: 9 -12 years old
Grade: Fifth
Finish: rustic glued and stitched, 90g ledger paper
Authors: Anne Señol (author and compiler)
Illustrators: Olga Anaskina and Héctor Gamboa
It is magic and it is spell. It’s suggestion and enchantment. It is interest and fascination. And there are about twenty more synonyms. Almost all apply to the power of the written word, the word cultivated to sow or provoke images in our minds. Writers are magicians, sorcerers, wizards, witches who cook up stories in their cauldrons of ink that seem like lies to us, and sometimes they are, but we love them!
As if it were an international convention of alchemists and tricksters, we have summoned a plethora of writers from near and far, from the Salvadoran Salarrué, the Nicaraguan Darío and the Guatemalan Asturias, to the English Kipling, the Russian Turgenev and the Czech Chapek, and thirty other “liars”.